
MCAS: A Potential Parasite Connection

The team here at FirstMed are always learning about new, experimental therapies and potential alternative ways to treat our patients. Very recently, we came across a very interesting video about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) which we have embedded below, and during the video we noted that a lot of the symptoms of MCAS and POTS appear to be the exact same symptoms that a lot of our patients report recovering from after doing our parasite cleanse protocol.

For this reason, we hypothesize that MCAS is actually related to parasitic infection. It is not yet known if parasites infection can cause MCAS or if having MCAS makes it easier for parasites to proliferate, but we intend to investigate this further. Below we go into detail about the symptoms that our parasite cleanses have helped people recover from, why we believe that the two may be connected.

Common Symptoms of MCAS that Can Be Healed by Parasite Removal

Many of the most common complaint from MCAS sufferers are identical to symptoms we have noted in patients can be healed partially or completely by doing a parasite cleanse. A detailed list of these is shown below.

arm of a man with Allergies


Allergies are becoming more and more prevalent in our modern society. This is especially apparent in children. We believe that a lot of this is due to histamine reactions to specific foods, due to chronic inflammation in the body.

So, when a food or supplement that will normally cause a minor spike in histamine/inflammation is consumed by someone with chronic inflammation, their body rejects it and it pushes that person to react in an extreme manner. Healthy people with low inflammation levels will not react to this minor spike in inflammation, as their bodies can handle the small increase in histamine.

If a patient is able to reduce their inflammation levels, they are then able to begin eating foods and supplements that cause small increases in histamine once again. We believe that a lot of people who think they are allergic to certain foods are just reacting due to the already burdened immune system battling chronic inflammation.

This has been the case with a number of our patients who believed they were allergic to certain foods, who were able to consume them as normal – with absolutely no reaction noted – after doing our parasite cleanse protocol. Allergies to dairy and gluten were the most common ones that were reversed in our patients. N.B. Not all allergies were reversed in all our patients, some noted that they were still allergic to certain foods after the cleanse e.g. seafood.Some common foods which are high in histamine can be found here.

women with Acne on her face

Acne and Other Skin Conditions including Urticaria

All types of rashes, acne and any other skin conditions can be symptoms of internal inflammation. The body is expressing in a physical manner, that there is a problem internally. Acne, rash, sores, and redness or swelling can all be caused by many things, but inflammation always exists a part of the problem.

We have seen that many of our patients – especially young adults – who are suffering from regular breakouts on the face, or regular skin problems such as psoriasis or eczema, both immediately after and in the months following their parasite cleanse, show improvements in their skin conditions. Sometimes the condition improves significantly and often they even disappear completely.

We have seen a lot of patients with debilitating shingles outbreaks due to side effects from vaccines, and we believe this too is a sign the body is battling with internal inflammation. By removing the cause of the inflammation, we are able to give the body the extra energy required to heal from these skin issues, and give the patients their confidence and life back.

Skin issues are a sign the body is under stress and duress, and these – especially in extreme cases – are an alarming indicator that something in the body is not in balance or working as it should.

Parasites can cause large amounts of internal inflammation, and removing them can be the key to defeating these skin problems completely.

women holding demonstration tool of stomach

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

A number of our patients were previously suffering from an ongoing issue with diarrhea. A typical G.P. will diagnose IBS, which is also becoming an increasingly common problem in recent decades. This relates to the issues with allergies mentioned above as well. Often people would react unpleasantly to the consumption of certain foods or supplements, believing they are allergic. Their bodies respond in a negative way, often with swelling or redness, itchiness in certain areas, stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

What we have found after patients perform a parasite cleanse, is that a lot of them don’t find themselves to be allergic anymore, and their digestion improves as a result. No more bloating, not more redness after eating specific foods, and no more unexplained and uncomfortable diarrhea to constantly contend with. Even in patients who aren’t allergic to anything, but find their digestion to be less than ideal, we have seen improvements after a cleanse.

IBS is a sign that something is not right within the body, and if you’re parasite infested, up to 70% of your feces can actually be worm feces, which of course is going to cause inflammation and acidification of the body, as it passes through. By removing the worms, the body can cleanse out its own waste as it is designed to do, stopping the IBS completely.

guys with hair loss problem

Excessive Hair Loss

Hair falling out is not something that many people might assume relates to parasitic infection, however many MCAS sufferers report it as a problem they are battling, and we have had a number of our patients report that after a cleanse their hair stopped falling out like it had been prior.

If the body is chronically inflamed, the patient is sick, and it could be expected that health in general in all areas of the body may suffer. Our bodies are a huge collection of cells, bacteria, and tissue that work in symbiosis to keep us alive. It is not a stretch to suggest that internal issues might affect our hair and cause issues with thinning hair, balding, serious hair loss, or premature greying.

If the body is busy fighting inflammation in other areas, it makes sense that it will have less ability to manage areas of our health. This can be seen visually in the health of someone’s hair, just as it can in the complexion and health of their skin.

Guy with headache

Brain Fog

Brain Fog is being reported more and more over the last few years. Cognitive decline is also increasing and while there is evidence that the covid vaccines are at least partly to blame for this, many unvaccinated are also now suffering from this debilitating condition.

We are very familiar with brain fog as many of our Long Covid patients are sufferers, and it is a common complaint from those who have been diagnosed with MCAS. We have been able to help many of these people with Ivermectin therapy, and since we use it for both vaccine detoxing and parasite cleansing it’s a win-win for patients who are struggling to find an out from their horrible mental stagnation.

The good news is that both during and after a parasite cleanse, many of our patient report having cleared minds, being able to think as they did previously, and being far more productive than they have been of late. We have also noted that nicotine (gum or patches) have helped some patients with this condition as well.

lady sleeping on couch

Fatigue/Lack of Energy

This is the problem that the most of our patients report improvements in, upon completion of our parasite protocol. Almost everyone, including most of the staff here at FirstMed, report feeling more energetic, ‘lighter’, and in a better mood after exterminating internal worms, protazoa and funguses.

We all have parasites and unless you have done a cleanse or take anti-parasitic supplements or partake in fasting on a regular basis then you should feel benefit once they are removed from your body. People who are heavily infested notice the biggest difference once a significant amount of parasites are killed off and excreted.

Once these worms are gone, our bodies are more alkaline, with less inflammation. This means everything works better, allowing us to feel as we should, with more vibrancy, energy, a clearer mind and better mood.

In Conclusion..

If you believe you might be in the early stages of MCAS, or have already been diagnosed with this disorder, you may wish to try a parasite cleanse to see if it can help you recover. While the above connection is only a theory, there are a lot of anecdotal reports on Parasite-related FB groups such as this one, where people believe there is a connection between their MCAS and parasites as well.

We don’t know for sure, but for some reason anti parasitics seem to be able to help with all sorts of illnesses, including cancer, so it’s possible that parasite infection and infestation is actually related to all disease. Even if this is incorrect, it doesn’t hurt to do a yearly parasite cleanse, and if there’s a chance it might give you your life back, there’s no reason not to try it and see if it works for you.

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