But Why?

Questions Everyone Should be Asking Themselves

Why would Pfizer add a Cancer-causing sequence into their Vaccines?

Professor Murakami of the Tokyo University of Science finds the SV40 sequence in Pfizer's Vaccine

Pfizer’s serum contains the SV40 sequence which is a known as a promoter of cancer. The is no reason for this to be in the vaccines, as it offers no health benefit at all to anyone.

Why would Pfizer purposefully add a gene sequence which they fully know will cause cancer in people?

a tweet about the increase in turbo cancers

Why are there Thousands of Lawsuits currently in progress around the world, involving Governments, Politicians and Vaccine Manufacturers?

Hawaii: Attourney Michael Green had filed a class action lawsuit stating that 45,000 Americans have died within 72 hours of vaccination.

Australia: Queensland GP Dr Melissa McCann has filed a class action lawsuit against the federal government, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Department of Health

United States: Attorney Todd Callendar is leading a class action with 500,000 signatories against the DOD

Switzerland: President Alain Berset is being sued by Pascal Najadi for his stance and mandates regarding covid-19 vaccines

Vaccine Injured Swiss Investment Banker Pascal Najadi is also suing Pfizer Inc. in the NY State Supreme Court

How is any of this Possible if the Vaccines truly are "Safe and Effective"?