The FirstMedInc Vaccine Detox Protocol in Detail

The FirstMedInc Vaccine Detox Protocol in Detail

The following guide has been written to help you understand the ingredients in our protocol, why we use them, and how they help the body cleanse the toxins from the vaccine, assist with covid and long covid, and even help those who are feeling sick after being around the injected but aren’t vaccinated themselves. 

We use a combination of ingredients based on the research and testing from many doctors, including our own, and many other researchers from many different countries. We have combined the information from many sources to develop our complete detoxing guide, which we have already used to help thousands worldwide. 

If you’re concerned about the potential long-term side effects of vaccination, you can stop worrying. If we are able to bring patients back from conditions such as paralysis in multiple limbs, irregular heart issues, and debilitating skin conditions covering most of the body that they had been suffering from for many months before seeking help with treatment, we can help you too. 

Following is a comprehensive list of medications and supplements that we use and recommend people take, to help remove the poison from the shots, and give the body what it needs to efficiently and effectively heal the body from the damage it has caused.  

ivermectin tablets iverheal 12


Ivermectin is the cornerstone of our vaccine detoxing protocol. Very early into the “pandemic” we noticed that people who were vaccinated and suffered from lingering side effects, who took Ivermectin to help them with their recurring covid infections, were reporting that Ivermectin was also helping them recover from their vaccine injuries. 

There is now mounting evidence from multiple studies that Ivermectin does indeed help with vaccine injury and thus it can safely be assumed that it also helps with detoxing and recovery. Dr. John Campbell did a good video regarding these studies. In his video, they show the symptoms of patients dissipating after taking Ivermectin for a week, but once they stopped taking it the symptoms came back. 

We believe this phenomenon is due to the body not having enough time to remove all of the spike protein. After the Ivermectin unbinds the spike toxin from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) it is free floating in the blood, if the patient does not have enough time to break down all of the poison and excrete it the toxic proteins will rebind, and begin causing inflammation and illness once again. For this reason, we recommend after taking Ivermectin daily for a full week initially, that patients continue to take it once a week for at least 3 months but ideally, up to 6 months. 

Dr. Bryan Ardis has been leading the way with his research into the patents for the vaccines, identifying that the spike protein is a synthetic form of snake venom, and uncovering the fastest and safest ways to unbind, break down, and help the body excrete the toxins from the victims of these vaccines. 

hydroxchloroquine tablets IP 200mg


Hydroxychloroquine, commonly known as HCQ, works in a similar way to Ivermectin. Both are Zinc ionophores – which means they help the body absorb more Zinc than it otherwise normally would. This helps with detoxification and immune health through several mechanisms. We utilize HCQ as well as Ivermectin, just to cover all bases. Ivermectin has a stronger affinity to the nAChRs, but HCQ also has a stronger bond with them than the spike toxin (as does nicotine), so we use both of these for treatment to be sure we are flushing out as much of the toxin as we can, as quickly as possible. 

HCQ and Ivermectin can be used individually if you only have access to one of them. Either of these will still help if taken on its own – but always with a Zinc supplement (and food, as Zinc can cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach). If you have to choose between them though, go with Ivermectin as it seems to have a stronger impact, and also offers several other benefits – including being anti-parasitic, while also being safer to take with fewer side effects reported from it.  

zinc citrate 50 mg


As mentioned above, you should always take Ivermectin or HCQ with Zinc. This is because they are both Zinc ionophores and thus can help the body absorb more of the Zinc, which helps immune function in many ways. We use Zinc Citrate but any form of Zinc can be of benefit. Always take Zinc (at least 50mg) on days when you take Ivermectin or HCQ, and ALWAYS on a full stomach. Zinc will cause nausea and diarrhea if taken on an empty stomach. 

Zinc not only assists with boosting your body’s natural detoxification processes but also breaks down the spike protein so it can be easily expelled from the body. Once the poison has been released from the receptors Zinc plays a key role in the degradation and processing of the toxins and their eventual removal from the body through the usual avenues for toxin excretion and removal.  

alma c vitamin c tablets

Vitamin C

Several things can help break down the spike toxins once they are released into the bloodstream. All of Peter McCullough’s recommendations can assist with this too, but the primary ones that offer the most benefit are Vitamin C, NAC (glutathione), Zinc, Urokinase, and EDTA. 

We use Amalaki – also known as Indian gooseberry or amla as the source of Vitamin C for our patients. This is because almost all Ascorbic Acid – what is commonly sold as Vitamin C in pharmacies, is made from GMO corn. 

Vitamin C is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, which play a significant role in detoxifying the body, particularly in the bloodstream. It can neutralize free radicals, it supports liver function – the liver being a key organ in the body’s detoxification process, and it enhances enzyme function – specifically those that metabolize drugs and other toxins, which aids in the removal of pathogens and toxic compounds from the blood.

vitamin d3

High Dose Vitamin D

It was identified early on in the “pandemic” that people who had high levels of Vitamin D were not being hospitalized and were not dying at anywhere near the rate of deficient people. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system’s response, ensuring it reacts appropriately to infections and diseases. It enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages — white blood cells that are important parts of your immune defense — and decreases inflammation, which helps promote immune response. Adequate levels of Vitamin D are associated with a reduced risk of both acute and chronic illnesses.

Vitamin D also contributes to cardiovascular health and metabolic processes. With so many of our patients suffering from heart issues post-injection, we feel this is an important addition to our array of weapons in this fight against the vaccine poison. At a high dosage, Vitamin D will fix any deficiency quickly, and assist the body to fight inflammation and remove any unwanted toxins. 

Additionally, maintaining optimal levels of Vitamin D is linked with improved mood and cognitive function, highlighting its broad impact on overall well-being. This is important as well, as many of our patients are suffering mentally almost as much as they are physically due to their debilitating injuries.  

doctors best NAC detox regulators


N Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is known for its ability to boost the body’s antioxidant levels, particularly through its role in increasing glutathione, a crucial antioxidant in cells. Glutathione plays a significant part in detoxifying harmful substances in the body. NAC helps the immune system by maintaining the health and function of immune cells, facilitating the breakdown and elimination of toxins and potentially harmful proteins from the body. This support not only aids in detoxification processes but also enhances immune resilience and the body’s ability to fend off and recover from infections and inflammation.

Recent studies on the blood of the unvaccinated show that even though almost everyone is now showing some signs of microscopic blood clotting, a tablet of NAC per day (600mg) is enough to keep red blood cells from clumping together and forming these clots. For the vaccinated, NAC also helps, but it alone is not enough to counter the damage from the vaccines and needs to be taken as part of a larger overall protocol to ensure the health of the patient does not degrade over time as we are seeing so commonly now all around us.  

thai herbs

Thai Herbal Medicines

We are based in Thailand and work with many local doctors, nurses, and natural healers of various kinds here. We believe that these herbal medicines which are traditionally used to help the body detox poisons and clean the blood, can assist in helping to remove the toxic spike protein from the body as well. We have included these in our vaccine detox kits, but if you don’t have access to these where you are, they are not essential to a complete detox they just help things progress a little faster, so you can take all or most of the other aforementioned medicines and supplements and you will still be able to heal. 

For those of you who are interested in the ingredients of our Thai herbal medicine capsules, they include the following:

Clinacanthus nutans – Locally known as Rung Jut, this herb is celebrated for its blood-cleansing properties, primarily due to its rich antioxidant content that helps neutralize harmful toxins in the bloodstream. These antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress and support overall immune function. Rung Jut is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Tiliacora triandra – Called Ya Nang in Thai, this herb is especially known for its health-promoting benefits, including hydration and detoxification. Ya Nang is also used to enhance energy levels, aid digestion, and promote healthier skin. Additionally, the herb contains various antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals and support overall cellular health.

Piper sarmentosum – Known locally as Wan Ron Thong, this herb is recognized for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial in reducing inflammation and fighting oxidative stress in the body. It is also believed to improve digestion and respiratory health.

Barleria lupulina – Known as Mak Mao in Thai, this plant is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These can help reduce oxidative stress and support the elimination of toxins from the body. It is commonly used to treat arthritis, muscle pain, and skin conditions like eczema and acne. 


The above is the core of our detoxing protocol. We’ve seen miracles happen with the above, and we’re sure it can help you too. 

Many, many other herbs and supplements can help as well, so this list is not in any way definitive, but you MUST take either Ivermectin, HCQ, or nicotine (in gum or patch form), in sufficient amounts for an extended period to ensure the spike proteins are not bound to your receptors.

We have tested various protocols from different doctors and researchers and all of them, including Peter McCullough’s recommendations, work far more effectively, and much faster, when the above are taken prior.

While the toxins are bound to your receptors your body will attack the toxins but can’t easily remove them to break them down. When this happens, your body is essentially attacking itself. This causes extreme levels of inflammation and is the reason why there are so many “side effects” listed on the Pfizer documents they were forced to release under court order. All of these side effects are a symptom of serious internal inflammation. 

Once the spike is released into the blood and no longer bound to your receptors, your body – if you are healthy enough and your diet consists of sufficient nutrients – can naturally break down the proteins and remove them as they would with any other toxins. Fasting can also help speed up this process. 

If you would like more info on any of the above, feel free to contact our team. We’re always happy to offer advice or guidance to anyone who needs help, even if you’re not a customer of ours. We’re not just running a business here; we genuinely want to help as many people as we can. 

If humanity is going to recover from this and be able to thrive in the future, we need to stop arguing and fighting each other, end the division that is being pushed on society, and work together to defeat the evil that has perpetrated this upon us all.